Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flirting Tips

- Do not be desperate in flirting.
When you are at a bar or at a coffee shop to give yourself a chance to flirt with someone, it is best not to be desperate about it. It is not a good idea to make eye contact to every guy that you see at the bar. Wait for the right moment, so that you would be able to enjoy flirting more.
- Do not be a moving target.
Always remember that a guy may need some time to observe you to become interested, as well as to gain enough courage to initiate his approach. Thus, you have to stay in one place at a bar for a certain amount of time, if you want the guy you are interested in to talk to you. Do not be a moving target, since such targets are usually harder to catch or approach.
-  Be happy.
When you go to a bar, you would most likely approach a person who is smiling, instead of the one who is looking sad or grumpy. This is because, people want to be happy, and happy people are simply more appealing than the ones who are unhappy. Thus, if you want to attract potential partners, then laugh all you want, and enjoy what you are doing, so that you can achieve success in it. 
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

3 Simple Facts About flirting tips Explained

Flirting Tips

 1- Get closer to your guy and break away.

 If you want to flirt with your guy and you want to send a cue that you are ready for a kiss, then you should try to get closer to him. Briefly look at his lips and break away from him, to tease him a little. By sending out this message, he would know that you are waiting for him to make the first move for a kiss.

 2- Choose songs for flirting.

 While you are listening to the radio or through your music CD collections, try to identify songs that can make you more confident to flirt. By doing this, you would have the confidence to flirt with any person that you are interested in, once you hear one of the songs. Choose songs that you really like and are lively, so that you can also become more energetic.

 3- The right earrings for flirting.

 There are different types of earrings that you can wear today. However, if you want to wear something that can enhance your capability of flirting with a guy, then you should wear dangling earrings. This is because, these types of earrings can make a guy notice your neck’s smooth curves. This is a subtle way to show some skin and it is pretty effective too. here a facecook fun page the i find with Flirting Tips and love advice check out at love advice

Friday, August 20, 2010

Marriage counseling

With all of the problems going on with relationships in this country, it is refreshing to see that least marriage counseling is becoming more popular. It wasn't all that long ago that marriage and family counseling was frowned upon. Going to a marriage counselor meant that you just could not handle problems yourself. If you were a woman, it meant that you were neurotic. If you were a man, it meant that you weren't sufficiently authoritative. Thankfully, those days are gone, and marriage counselors are completely accepted in the mainstream in this day and age. After all, good marriage therapy has saved many a relationship.

A lot of people think that marriage counseling is only for people who are at the end of their rope. I thought this for a long time. I love my wife, and never thought about getting a divorce, but I just wasn't exactly happy with the way our marriage was going either. We had certain fights over and over again, and it seemed like we weren't as happy as when we first got together. Some people told me that this was normal, but I refuse to believe it. I thought that marriage counseling might help and, despite the snickers of my friends, went and gave it a try.

My wife was more than willing to try it out with me. She is always very cooperative, and we have always seen our marriage as more of a partnership than anything else. When we went into the marriage counseling together, we both did it knowing that we wanted our marriage to prosper like it used to. It wasn't anything like I had thought. Neither of us lay down on the couch, and the marriage counselor took a very informal tone with us. It was kind of comfortable, and even relaxing. There were tough moments in the marriage counseling, of course. We both had to face up to some very difficult realities. Nonetheless, overall it was a good time. We were getting along better and better, and it was clear that the therapy was working.

Marriage counseling doesn't work overnight, but it does work. In my case, it took a good eight months before we were really working as a team again. It might seem like a lot of time, but compare that to a lifetime. Eight months of marriage counseling is worth another 30 years of marital bliss if you ask me. It is simple mathematics more than anything else.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Using Interpersonal Attraction To Attract Relationships

nterpersonal attraction in simple terms is what causes relationships and friendships. It is a major situation in psychology that is studied. There is not much data on what would cause a person to be attracted to another and then be repulsed by someone else. Despite all the studies, interpersonal attraction remains a mystery. Of course, certain principles are at work.

There is a belief that people are attracted to people who have the same level attractiveness physically. Also people from the same social background or similar economic situation will be experiencing the interpersonal attraction when they are drawn together. However in some cases, people who are opposites will be attracted and happier together than two people who are similar in personality and dominance. You may have more control over interpersonal attraction than you think.

You may be unable to use concentration when trying to attract a certain person; however you can use certain concepts when attracting a certain type of person to you. Like attracts like, so says the universal law of attraction. Based upon what you believe, magnetic attraction will draw certain things to you. A conscious creation of your personal reality can affect you as well.

Your first step is to decide what you would want in a person, and believe that there is a person out there that fits your criteria an is able to come into your life. You must believe in what you want and whether it is available to you in order for the person with those qualities to be drawn to you. The attraction of a person that complements us, called interpersonal attraction is affected by belief and thoughts just like other types of situations or finances are affected by thoughts. If you have decided that you will have prosperity and can attract it, then you can also have a positive person in your life by attracting them. The positive belief that you have will surround you in an aura of possessiveness. This will affect those that you seek to attract because it puts out a signal for others that are positive.

Since it is believed that people will gravitate toward those that will complement their personality, then the positive aura that surrounds you will attract those that are positive. Being open to financial prosperity and good fortune will work in your favor as well, because it will attract people that hold the same belief. Amazing things can happen with the power of positive thought, not just with finances or a job but with the people you attract to yourself. Attraction must be mutual in order to work and when you believe positive things about yourself you help interpersonal attraction work to draw positive people to yourself.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A reality check on abstinence from sex controversy

When you hear the phase, 'abstinence from sex', what situations come immediately to mind? Usually, we think of one of three situations: that of the priest, vowed to celibacy, teens who want to take advantage of those raging hormones and experience sex, and persons who have contracted a disease through having sex and ethically, shouldn't pass it along. The priest is a grown man and, as such, is honor bound to keep his vow of celibacy. Adults not of the priesthood many, through promiscuity, or even just through bad luck, contract one or more serious diseases, such as AIDS, or any number of STDs, including herpes. This article is written with teens in mind. We hope to provide you with some good reasons to practice abstinence from sex, which surpasses Mrs Reagan's 'just say no' approach. While we must assume her heart was in the right place, the strategy was fairly ineffectual, garnering more snickers than adherents among the target group.

Teens are still developing, physically and emotionally, going through stages at sometimes lightning speed. Good judgment and balanced reasoning are not your strong points. Nonetheless, there at the back of your mind sits your parents' and teachers' recommendations of practicing abstinence from sex, at least until you've dated a number and variety of personalities and have achieved adulthood. Is this bad advice? In your heart of hearts, the answer is probably no. In a practical moment, such as when you're folding laundry or feeding the cat, consider whether one night's hot date is worth living with AIDS forever. Not. Herpes is another lifelong condition you don't want, unpleasant, painful and certainly putting a permanent cramp in your future adult sex life. Did you know that herpes can be passed on to your babies?

This brings us to another reason why abstinence from sex may be a smart move for you now. Even if you do not contract a serious, life-threatening disease, what about an unwanted pregnancy? Once you become pregnant, you must face the choice of starting a family, perhaps as a single Mom, or going through the traumatic process of abortion. If you opt for having the child, your dreams of education and a better future go by the wayside. You're forced to grow up far more quickly than is good for you and your child. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment's pleasure, for the rest of their lives.

Have we convinced you of the merits of abstinence from sex? These points are worth a second look, despite what the famous Mrs. Reagan had to say on the subject. Drugs and sex do seem to go hand-in-hand. Give yourself a chance to get some smarts on both subjects before flying off on an emotional tangent that will color your life for decades, or perhaps even end it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Are Your Friends Causing Your Marriage Problems?

Your friends are important to you for many reasons. They are the ones that are there for you when you have a bad breakup, or when you just need someone to listen. They often come to your aid, remember your birthday, and have the guts to tell you things that others hold back. However, after you have left single dating life behind, they may not be happy if they are still single and you are not. In fact, some friends have been huge sources of marriage problems in otherwise great unions. At times, you may have to cut friends free.

You can never blame marriage problems on anyone but you or your spouse, but you should know that your friends can influence you in bad ways if you let them. This means that you have changed and they have not, but you still try to have the same relationship with them as you did before. Your friends can also have bad habits and they can influence you to have them too. Once you are around something for so long, you start to think that it is normal and you may do it to. This can lead to huge marriage problems if you are not careful.

Some people in marriages find that they don't care to leave the single life behind. They cheat on their spouse, or at least put a show on of doing just that. It could be that they married too young, or that they need that ego boost because they have low self esteem. If your spouse is hanging out with people that are doing this all the time, they are more likely to do it too. Even the best spouses can slip up under the influence of friends behaving badly. If your wife or husband is hanging out with questionable people, talk to them about how it makes you feel and about your concerns that it could lead to marriage problems for the two of you.

If your friends are not sure about your spouse and say subtle things to put them down, this can weigh on your mind after a while and cause marriage problems. You may not even know they are doing it, and they may not understand that they are hurting your marriage. They may be envious of your relationship or they may want their single friend back because they are still single themselves. These are dangerous friends, even if they do not mean to be. If you find that this is going on, you have to tell them that you do not like what they are saying, and unless they have a good reason for saying something, they should keep their feelings to themselves.

If you feel that your friends are causing marriage problems for you and your spouse, you have to put your marriage first. Tell them that you can not go out with them if they are intent on picking someone else when their spouse is at home. Tell them that you have to put your marriage first even if it means losing them. Most of your friends are going to be understanding and may even suggest that they are having a hard time adjusting to the change, but also that they will work on it. Others won't care about your marriage problems, and if that is the case, it is time to cut them loose.

Relationship Counseling

You have one huge blowout with your partner or spouse, and you fear the relationship is over. You said things you didn't mean, and so did your significant other. Perhaps you have one issue that you can not seem to come to terms with, and you fight about it over and over again. These things can happen in the best of relationships, and without intervention, those relationships could be doomed when they do not have to be. Many couples can overcome these things and find peace in their home with some relationship counseling. It is not always necessary, but it can certainly help couples avoid divorce or separation.

Relationships of all types are hard. It doesn't matter if you are talking about your relationship with your parents, your friends, your siblings, or your romantic interest or spouse. There are not any relationships out there that are perfect. If you do not argue once in a while, resentments build up and huge explosions follow – explosions that can rock the foundation of any relationship. With good relationship counseling, those explosions can be avoided. You can also avoid divorce and be granted a whole new beginning in your marriage with good relationship counseling.

Communication breakdowns are often the reasons why people end up in relationship counseling, even if they don't realize it. They may think they are fighting about how much time one spouse spends away from the house, or how the other won't help with the chores, but at the core of almost all problems that couples have is communication problems. In relationship counseling, couples learn this and understand a bit more from where all their problems are really coming. If you can't talk, nothing will ever change because your spouse has no idea why you are really so upset.

Couples in all types of relationship counseling learn how to talk to each other fairly and without judgment. They learn how to say what worries them the most, what they are feeling and what they hope will happen without making the other person in the relationship feeling as if they are being attacked. They learn how to really say what the real problem is without focusing on smaller issues. The issues are rarely the problem, though they may seem so in the middle of a rocky relationship. Talking openly and honestly about issues and feelings is the best way to preserve and build a great relationship.

Relationship counseling can save marriages, but it can also save families. Children and parents can find they have drifted apart while the child is a teenager, which is hard on everyone. Sometimes, in-laws cause problems and other times siblings fight and refuse to speak to each other for years. Relationship counseling can help with all of these types of problems and relationships. What may be surprising is how quickly things can turn around with the right type of counseling. Problem relationships can turn out to be amazing relationships with just a little help from the outside.